Nowadays bleaching is practicable and affordable!
in-office bleaching
This type of bleaching only takes 60 minutes. The dentist applies the opalescence gel externally to the teeth and leaves it for some time. With a special lamp or laser light the dentist can then intensify the effect. This procedure takes 15 minutes and is repeated 3-4 times. It is perfect for last minute whitening needs.
Several scientific and clinical studies have shown that this teeth whitening technique supervised by a dentist is extremely gentle and risk free.
home bleaching
For this purpose, the dentist manufactures a dental splint at the practice. The bleaching process is carried out independently by the patient according to the dentist’s instructions. The tooth splint is filled with the bleaching agent and is worn for several hours by the patient. Only after short application a visible brightening can be noticed.
It is true that the effect of the gel fades after a couple of years but the treatment can be repeated with the already prepared gel.
Walking bleaching
This technique is an internal brightening therapy which is used for tooth discoloration in teeth with root fillings. The procedure requires placement of the bleach into the tooth crown by the dentist. A few days are required until the desired brightening is achieved. After that the crown must be closed with a composite filling.